ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Covergirl Commercial, Print Ad and Final Runway


This was a good season. The girls were talented and the majority of the photoshoots were good. And it’s a really strong final two.


1. Nicole


Nicole’s commercial was great. She was approachable, articulate and she modeled throughout the whole take. Her Covergirl photo is incredible, probably in the top 10 Covergirl shots of all time. Her runway walk was kind of busted but she sold the clothes and looked amazing, just a bit awkward.

2. Laura


Laura’s commercial was weak, she doesn’t look modelesque on the moving camera, but at least she got through the line reading. I quite like her Covergirl photo but it’s not nearly as strong as Nicole’s. She had an awesome runway walk though, probably the strongest runway walk in a finale show since Jaslene in cycle eight.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1/3/2/1/1 = 2.3
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3/1 = 3.375
3. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4/2/3/3 = 3.7
4. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7/4/4/2 = 3.8
5. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2/5/1/4 = 4.7
6. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7/6 = 6.8
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.3
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Volcanic Goddesses


This is a really beautiful photoshoot. Two of the pictures are all-time favourites, the other two are interesting if middling photographs. Just imagine how well Brittany would have done here.


1. Nicole

Amazing. I think this is Nicole’s best photo, and one of the best photos of the competition all together her face is stunning, that yellow dress suits her colouring perfectly, her skin looks shiny and lovely, and I love the hand placement. The bottom half looks a bit awkward but I think that adds to the charm of the photograph.

2. Erin

This is one of Erin’s best too. It’s so elegant and effortless, and her body looks awesome. Her face looks awesome too, she has amazing bone structure, and she’s really emoting through her eyes. Great work.

3. Laura

This is an interesting shot of Laura… I’m not sure if I love it. Her hands look weird, her leg looks thick and her face looks crazy. Her hair looks nice though.

4. Jennifer

I don’t like this. I don’t like Jennifer’s face or the way she’s standing or her hands on her hips or any of it.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1/3/2/1 = 2.4
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3/1 = 3.375
3. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7/4/4/2 = 3.8
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4/2/3/3 = 3.9
5. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2/5/1/4 = 4.7
6. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7/6 = 6.8
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.3
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Underwater


This photoshoot was mean, only giving four of the five girls extra frames, but there’s a clear difference between the top three and the bottom two.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Jennifer

This is wonderful. It’s the best Jennifer’s face has looked in a photo, it’s ethereal and powerful and she looks tall.

2. Nicole

It was difficult deciding between Jennifer and Nicole for #1 photo, but Nicole’s weird feet and missing arm gave Jen the edge. But this is a really mind blowing photo still. It’s a great pose and an interesting expression, unfortunately it has a few technical issues.

3. Laura

I think Laura’s giving the best face this week, and I like the angles she’s created with her body, but it’s not as striking nor as pretty as Jennifer and Nicole’s photos. Good though.

4. Erin

There’s not much really to say about this. You can’t see Erin’s face because of the lighting and her body just looks like she’s swimming. It was nasty that they gave everyone extra frames but her, but seeing as she still did better than Sundai, at least they kept her in.

5. Sundai

Her face is hanging back in the shadows and her legs are doing the same thing as in her awful ninja photo. Good riddance.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1/3/2 = 2.55
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3/1 = 3.375
4. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7/4/4 = 4.0
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4/2/3 = 4.0
5. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2/5/1 = 4.77
6. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7/6 = 6.8
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.3
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Hapa


A wonderful photoshoot with the most retarded elimination of the cycle. But still an awesome photoshoot, VERY hard to rank.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Brittany

This is absolutely wonderful, one of the strongest shots of the cycle, and they eliminate Brittany for it? Her pose isn’t safe or formulaic, it’s stoic and regal like she was going for and it’s absolutely stunning. Her face is beautiful, I love the tension in it and the power in her eyes. Her arm looks wonderful too, I love how she’s touching her hip. This elimination is complete bullshit.

2. Laura

This shot’s grown on me after a while. Laura’s face looks beautiful and is so emotive. I love the way she has her legs spread out and her hands look great. One of Laura’s best photos.

3. Nicole

This is amazing too, Nicole’s neck is her greatest asset and I think this photo is one of the best examples of that. Her styling is sick; the dark hair and skin looks amazing on her and the green dress is amazing too. And Nicole is selling it all.

4. Erin

This didn’t deserve bottom two. There’s motion in the photograph and power in Erin’s posture and in her eyes. It’s not the number one photo of the week or Erin’s best work, but it’s very beautiful.

5. Jennifer


I’m not a huge fan of this. She’s selling the necklace and her mouth is closed, but it’s not a good angle for her body and I think her chest looks weird. And although she’s hiding her eye problem, her eyes don’t spark in the photo.

6. Sundai

How this was kept over Brittany’s shot I’ll never understand. Sundai looks 2 ft tall, she had the same face she’s had every week and the dress looks like a potato sack on her. She’s pretty much disregarding everything the judges have ever critiqued about her, and she didn’t even go in the bottom two. And Brittany’s been consistently at the top bar one week, while Sundai’s consistently sucked through the whole competition. Ridiculous.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1/3 = 2.625
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3/1 = 3.375
3. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7/4 = 4.0
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4/2 = 4.125
5. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
6. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2/5 = 5.25
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7/6 = 7.0
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen: Covergirl Commercial


I hate ranking commercials cos they all pretty much suck. So I’m just gonna sum it up in three words for each girl.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Nicole

Cute, personable and modelesque.

2. Jennifer

Sweet, pretty and rehearsed.

3. Brittany

Articulate, calculated and beautiful.

4. Laura

Sloppy, not telegenic but endearing.

5. Rae

Meek, boring but gorgeous.

6. Sundai

Hammy, false and annoying.

7. Erin

Tears, tears, tears.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1 = 2.57
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3 = 3.71
3. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7 = 4.0
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4 = 4.43
5. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
6. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2 = 5.29
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7 = 7.14
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Ninjas


I searched for these photos a bit larger so now I can finally judge them properly! It’s an interesting idea for a photoshoot, but a lot of the photos came off looking quite amateur.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Nicole

This is pretty outstanding. Nicole’s selling the outfit from every angle, she’s telling a story with her body language and facial expression, and she’s engaging and inspiring in the photo. I like the two finger point most of all.

2. Brittany

Brittany looks amazing. Her face is so striking and she knows how to angle it precisely so that she looks most beautiful. Her best shot is the middle one, the best thing about it is you can see her reflection in her sword. I wish they didn’t cut out her legs in the shot because it comes off a lot cheaper than it would have if they kept her whole body in, but it’s really fine work.

3. Laura

This is quite good. Laura doesn’t have the body most suited for a runway but her face photographs well and these shots have fluidity and they tell a story. They’re not the most exciting of the week, but consistency is more important than excitement.

4. Jennifer

I like these shots of Jennifer, it looks like an ad and there’s passion and enthusiasm in her poses. It would probably be number one if it weren’t for her face in the two bookending shots; they’re passionate and they tell a story but Jennifer forgot to bring the model to set.

5. Erin

Erin gave variety in her body poses but her face looks the same in all three shots, even the upside down one. Regardless, she’s selling the swords and the outfits well, and that one facial expression she has is killer.

6. Rae

Another bland shot from Rae. Her face lacks variety, her body lacks poise and elegance, and the three photos together don’t flow together and aren’t engaging or memorable.

7. Kara

This isn’t terrible; Kara’s body looks awesome in all three shots and she is trying to do something different, but it looks very awkward and lacking in confidence. She’s selling the garment well, showing it from all angles, but her face is disconnected and there’s no fluidity between shots, it just looks like she’s posing awkwardly.

8. Sundai

Well… it’s fluid? It has a narrative? The narrative being Sundai got drunk and dressed up in a ninja outfit, then entered a midget tossing competition and her leg broke so she couldn’t angle it any differently. The most variety in these shots is her arms… literally her face, neck, legs feet, torso…. all look identical. Not good.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1 = 2.83
2. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5 = 3.5
3. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2 = 3.83
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3 = 4.5
5. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6 = 5.16
6. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
7. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4 = 5.83
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8 = 7.16
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Cirque Du Soleil


Not too fussed with this shoot. Every shot has a crap model in it. Here are the photos:

Laura, Ashley & Kara:

Brittany, Rae & Jennifer:

Sundai, Nicole & Erin:


And the first name I’m going to call is:

1. Laura

This is probably Laura’s best shot in the whole competition. Her body looks amazing, her face is engaging, she’s not just stealing the shot from the other two girls (not hard considering who she was teamed with), but she’s far and away delivered the best shot of the week.

2. Brittany

Hot. I love the eyebrows most of all. I also love the bony back, the elegant way she’s leaning back, the ugly/pretty vibe she’s got going on. Brittany delivered this week.

3. Sundai

Sundai’s best shot ever? Probably. She actually looks tall! Her face is actually expressing something! She’s actually doing something in the photo! She’s actually in the top half of the callouts!

4. Nicole

I think this is gorgeous. The angle is great for Nicole (what angle isn’t?) and even though she’s kind of condensed herself she still looks like the tallest girl of the cycle.

5. Erin

This is one of the best body poses of the lot, unfortunately the closeup isn’t as strong as the girls above her. The styling is definately in Erin’s favour, and her legs look awesome, but her face isn’t expressing a great deal.

6. Rae

This is gorgeous don’t get me wrong, but maybe it’s the composition of the photo or the fact Rae’s behind one of the performers, but she doesn’t stand out for me much in the photograph. She’s giving good face, but her face is all you can see. At least it’s pretty, unlike the following girls…

7. Jennifer

The bottom three are interchangeable in their atrocity. Jennifer’s catching flies, she looks short and she looks disproportionate. She’s not selling a single garment and she doesn’t look that pretty.

8. Ashley

Ashley’s not really doing anything in this photo unfortunately. She looks ok, her body is busted and chunky but her face photographed nicely, unfortunately she’s not giving anything in the shot Good riddance.

9. Kara

Kara looks about 7ft tall here (I’ve always struggled to believe she was a ‘petite’ model; she looks huge) and her body looks awesome, unfortunately this is the worst face a model has given in an ANTM photo for quite some time. She looks hideous on the closeup.

2. Erin 3/4/3/1/5 = 3.2
2. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4 = 3.2
3. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2 = 4.2
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1 = 4.8
5. Rae 1/6/6/6/6 = 5.0
6. Kara 9/5/1/2/9 = 5.2
7. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7 = 6.2
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3 = 7.0
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Scarf Beauty Shots


I love this photoshoot. The first time in Cycle Thirteen that the good outweighs the bad… There’s really no bad shots here.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Erin

This is probably my favourite photo of the cycle. I love it so much. I love Erin’s downturned mouth and pissed off expression, I love the hunch in her back, I love her shoulder-neck crease, I love her dainty hand and I love that it’s in black and white.

2. Kara

Kara was an underrated girl and this is an underrated photo. This feels like an ad for beauty. It’s the best Kara’s face has looked, the expression in her eyes is beautiful and her lips and skin look soft and beautiful.

3. Brittany

This is a gorgeous shot of Brittany. You can barely see her features but they’re so distinctive that even though they’re shrouded in cloth they’re emotive and they stand out. Her arm looks awesome and I love Brittany’s skin. She’s a beautiful girl and I’m glad she got her mojo back.

4. Jennifer

Jennifer looks great here. It looks like an artistic shot rather than a fashion shot, but her body looks broken and angular and awesome and this is easily the best expression Jennifer’s ever had on her face in a photo. Her arms look different lengths, but it WORKS!

5. Nicole

This is a really stunning photo of Nicole, her body is beautifully contorted (it looks like her arms and neck are dislocated in the best way possible, and her skin looks incredible. And it’s an awesome angle for her face. It’s not Nicole’s best work, I don’t like her torso or how you can’t see her right hand, but it’s still good work.

6. Rae

This is so angelic and serene. Rae’s expression is beautiful, and her face is perfectly sculpted. That jawline looks amazing. It’s not the most striking photo of the week but it’s still a great photo.

7. Laura

This isn’t the most flattering shot of Laura, she’s a photogenic girl in the right angles but here everything is kind of not flattering; however it’s emotive and classic and elegant. Not bad, but not great.

8. Sundai

This is a pretty shot of Sundai, probably the best her face has looked in all of her photoshoots, but it’s not particularly inspiring or memorable. Sundai’s skin looks beautiful and it’s nice to see some emotion in her photo, but I expect more from an overseas girl.

9. Ashley

This is a cool effect but I applaud the photography over the model, especially since the model isn’t doing anything. There’s nothing to critique because I’m so bored by the shot.

10. Bianca

Ick. This is hard and angry looking and she’s underbiting hardcore. There’s not much to say about Bianca’s photo that I haven’t said about her three previous ones other than this is the worst and I’m so glad she’s gone.

1. Erin 3/4/3/1 = 2.75
2. Nicole 2/3/2/5 = 3.0
3. Kara 9/5/1/2 = 4.25
5. Brittany 4/1/11/3 = 4.75
5. Rae 1/6/6/6 = 4.75
6. Laura 5/2/9/7 = 5.75
7. Jennifer 6/9/5/4 = 6.0
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
9. Sundai 13/7/4/8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5
14. Ashley 12/12/10/9 = 11.75

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Elongate Yourself


A pretty cool photoshoot, unfortunately it features the worst photo of one of my favorite girls.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Kara

This is gorgeous. Kara looks 6ft tall, her legs looks amazing, I love how she’s gripping that rope and I love how it looks like she’s about to burst out of her top. This is probably the closest Kara got to the level of awesome she should be at considering how beautiful she is, but it’s still a frame worthy photo.

2. Nicole

Nicole looks amazing in this photo. She looks so tall and lean, I think the styling and art direction had a lot to do with that, but you cannot deny the power of her face, her body language and her general presence. She looks tall and regal and elegant.

3. Erin

This is an awesome photo of Erin. Her styling is great; the dress fits her like a glove, her hair looks hot and the blue chunky shoes really help to make her look taller. Erin’s legs are incredible and the stance is great. I love how she’s holding her arm, but I don’t love how she’s missing her other arm. Her face looks great too. Good job Erin.

4. Sundai

Cute as a button and 5 ft 10 in tall! Good job for a change, Sundai. Her face looks pretty, her body looks tall and lean and I love the way she has her legs. Sundai certainly outstayed her welcome by the end, but she delivered a few good shots and this is one of them.

5. Jennifer

This is a lovely shot, but I don’t think Jennifer looks particularly tall in it. Her body looks nice and lean, and she’s hiding that wonky eye well, but I don’t think her face is very strong and I don’t like the way she has her arms. And the dress doesn’t seem to fit her well. Not a bad shot, but it doesn’t stand out to me.

6. Rae

Rae looks short and slutty here. She looks pretty, and her legs look nice, but the dress take inches off her and the way she’s lying down is crude and short.

7. Bianca

Bianca’s legs look nice here, even if they look a bit photoshopped, and she’s caught the light on her face well, but I still think she photographs too harshly and her arms look weird.

8. Lulu

A very underwhelming photo. Lulu’s face looks bored and there’s no connection, she’s missing parts of her arm which isn’t attractive, and the way she has her legs makes her look short. I’m not too bothered by this elimination.

9. Laura

Probably my least favourite photo of Laura in the competition. She looks fatter than she is, there’s not power in her facial expression, and her body language is awkward and uncomfortable.

10. Ashley

Not very good. Ashley looks short and boring and her face is sour. I don’t know why she’s posing like that if she’s trying to look taller.

11. Brittany

It hurts me SO much to put this last but it really is the worst shot of the week. Her body looks shapeless, she looks soooo short and her arms and legs and neck look emaciated; she kind of looks like a public service editorial for anorexia lol. But I love Brittany and I hope her average isn’t too badly effected, and I wouldn’t bottom two this for the sheer fact that she’s a frontrunner.

1. Nicole 2/3/2 = 2.33
2. Erin 3/4/3 = 3.33
3. Rae 1/6/6 = 4.33
4. Kara 9/5/1 = 5.0
6. Brittany 4/1/11 = 5.33
6. Laura 5/2/9 = 5.33
7. Jennifer 6/9/5 = 6.66
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
9. Sundai 13/7/4 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Bianca 14/11/7 = 10.66
14. Ashley 12/12/10 = 11.33

ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Nude at the Races


Kinda bored by the photoshoot, it’s nice in theory but with the exception of three or four photos there’s no AMAZING shots here.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Brittany

Gorgeous. Brittany’s eyes pierce, her body looks long, strong and elegant and her pose is brave and different. Great work from a great girl.

2. Laura

Laura’s body language is sassy and confident, her pose is so elegant too. Her eyes are gorgeous and pierce the lens, and I love how she’s leaning on the jockey.

3. Nicole

This is a lovely shot, Nicole’s stoner demeanor is translating into her face looking very morose and melancholy, which is an interesting direction and makes for a really interesting photograph. Not Nicole’s best work, but a cool photo all the same.

4. Erin

This is a really interesting shot because with Erin’s hair and makeup and skin she looks angelic and beautiful, but her pose and her facial expression look devilish and evil. I love that kind of contradiction and I really like this photo.

5. Kara

I like this shot of Kara. She’s missing an arm which sucks, but her face looks pretty and I like the angle of the arm I can see. She’s a very interesting looking girl and I think this is a cool photo.

6. Rae

I like this shot because it’s from a different angle and has a different background as opposed to the other eleven, but it’s not Rae’s strongest photograph. She looks unsteady on the horse and she’s missing an arm, but her face is beautiful and her styling is great. It’s middling.

7. Sundai

Sundai’s body looks good, I like how she’s extending her arms (even though it accentuates how little she is), but she seems to be missing a breast, and her face is pretty vacant. A good try but a lame photo.

8. Courtney

Eh, it’s a pretty forgettable shot of a pretty forgettable girl. Her face is trying to hard to be fierce when it just comes off as cranky. She looks like she’s given up.

9. Jennifer

Not a terrible shot from a distance, but her wonky eye looks hilarious in the closeup. Other than that she’s doing a pretty average job, she just looks like a short girl with a lazy eye sitting on a horse.

10. Lulu

Lulu looks cute here, but she’s lost her neck, she looks short and there’s not much presence in the photo. It’s a pity because there is potential in this girl, she had a great body for clothes and I liked her walk, but her personality is vapid, she photographs short, her face isn’t very dynamic and her photos are dull.

11. Bianca

Good idea Bianca, curl your body up to accentuate how short you are! Because you can really afford to do that given your terrible wig, makeup and reputation in the competition! Lucky Courtney is a guaranteed elimination cos otherwise you’d be fucked!

12. Ashley

Not a horrendous photograph of Ashley, but if this is the best frame she had, it’s unusable cos there’s a man in the background. That’s instant elimination in my opinion, that’s like Anna Cycle 2 refusing the photoshoot level of dreadfulness. So yeah instant elimination from me for Ashley, I’m not even going to review an unusable photo.

2. Brittany 4/1 = 2.5
2. Nicole 2/3 = 2.5
5. Erin 3/4 = 3.5
5. Laura 5/2 = 3.5
5. Rae 1/6 = 3.5
6. Kara 9/5 = 7.0
7. Jennifer 6/9 = 7.5
8. Rachel 8 = 8.0
9. Lulu 7/10 = 8.5
10. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
12. Sundai 13/7 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12 = 12.0
14. Bianca 14/11 = 12.5