ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Scarf Beauty Shots


I love this photoshoot. The first time in Cycle Thirteen that the good outweighs the bad… There’s really no bad shots here.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Erin

This is probably my favourite photo of the cycle. I love it so much. I love Erin’s downturned mouth and pissed off expression, I love the hunch in her back, I love her shoulder-neck crease, I love her dainty hand and I love that it’s in black and white.

2. Kara

Kara was an underrated girl and this is an underrated photo. This feels like an ad for beauty. It’s the best Kara’s face has looked, the expression in her eyes is beautiful and her lips and skin look soft and beautiful.

3. Brittany

This is a gorgeous shot of Brittany. You can barely see her features but they’re so distinctive that even though they’re shrouded in cloth they’re emotive and they stand out. Her arm looks awesome and I love Brittany’s skin. She’s a beautiful girl and I’m glad she got her mojo back.

4. Jennifer

Jennifer looks great here. It looks like an artistic shot rather than a fashion shot, but her body looks broken and angular and awesome and this is easily the best expression Jennifer’s ever had on her face in a photo. Her arms look different lengths, but it WORKS!

5. Nicole

This is a really stunning photo of Nicole, her body is beautifully contorted (it looks like her arms and neck are dislocated in the best way possible, and her skin looks incredible. And it’s an awesome angle for her face. It’s not Nicole’s best work, I don’t like her torso or how you can’t see her right hand, but it’s still good work.

6. Rae

This is so angelic and serene. Rae’s expression is beautiful, and her face is perfectly sculpted. That jawline looks amazing. It’s not the most striking photo of the week but it’s still a great photo.

7. Laura

This isn’t the most flattering shot of Laura, she’s a photogenic girl in the right angles but here everything is kind of not flattering; however it’s emotive and classic and elegant. Not bad, but not great.

8. Sundai

This is a pretty shot of Sundai, probably the best her face has looked in all of her photoshoots, but it’s not particularly inspiring or memorable. Sundai’s skin looks beautiful and it’s nice to see some emotion in her photo, but I expect more from an overseas girl.

9. Ashley

This is a cool effect but I applaud the photography over the model, especially since the model isn’t doing anything. There’s nothing to critique because I’m so bored by the shot.

10. Bianca

Ick. This is hard and angry looking and she’s underbiting hardcore. There’s not much to say about Bianca’s photo that I haven’t said about her three previous ones other than this is the worst and I’m so glad she’s gone.

1. Erin 3/4/3/1 = 2.75
2. Nicole 2/3/2/5 = 3.0
3. Kara 9/5/1/2 = 4.25
5. Brittany 4/1/11/3 = 4.75
5. Rae 1/6/6/6 = 4.75
6. Laura 5/2/9/7 = 5.75
7. Jennifer 6/9/5/4 = 6.0
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
9. Sundai 13/7/4/8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.33
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5
14. Ashley 12/12/10/9 = 11.75

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