ANTM Cycle Thirteen – Underwater


This photoshoot was mean, only giving four of the five girls extra frames, but there’s a clear difference between the top three and the bottom two.


And the first name I’m going to call is…

1. Jennifer

This is wonderful. It’s the best Jennifer’s face has looked in a photo, it’s ethereal and powerful and she looks tall.

2. Nicole

It was difficult deciding between Jennifer and Nicole for #1 photo, but Nicole’s weird feet and missing arm gave Jen the edge. But this is a really mind blowing photo still. It’s a great pose and an interesting expression, unfortunately it has a few technical issues.

3. Laura

I think Laura’s giving the best face this week, and I like the angles she’s created with her body, but it’s not as striking nor as pretty as Jennifer and Nicole’s photos. Good though.

4. Erin

There’s not much really to say about this. You can’t see Erin’s face because of the lighting and her body just looks like she’s swimming. It was nasty that they gave everyone extra frames but her, but seeing as she still did better than Sundai, at least they kept her in.

5. Sundai

Her face is hanging back in the shadows and her legs are doing the same thing as in her awful ninja photo. Good riddance.

1. Nicole 2/3/2/5/4/1/1/3/2 = 2.55
2. Brittany 4/1/11/3/2/2/3/1 = 3.375
4. Erin 3/4/3/1/5/5/7/4/4 = 4.0
4. Laura 5/2/9/7/1/3/4/2/3 = 4.0
5. Jennifer 6/9/5/4/7/4/2/5/1 = 4.77
6. Rae 1/6/6/6/6/6/5 = 5.14
7. Kara 9/5/1/2/9/7 = 5.5
8. Sundai 13/7/4/8/3/8/7/6 = 6.8
9. Rachel 8 = 8.0
10. Lulu 7/10/8 = 8.3
11. Courtney 11/8 = 9.5
12. Lisa 10 = 10.0
13. Ashley 12/12/10/9/8 = 10.2
14. Bianca 14/11/7/10 = 10.5

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